Percentage of impurities in different natural fiber


Percentage of impurities in different natural fiber:

Every natural textile fiber is made with a little bit impurities which are totally unusable. Before use that fiber its need to remove those impurities from the fiber with keeps the useable part that fiber. Various quantities impurities and various types impurities are included in textile natural fiber. Every natural fiber, impurities and quantities are given blew.

Cotton Fiber

Percentage of impurities in Cotton fiber.

Percentage of impurities in Cotton fiber.

Cotton is a uni-cellulose fiber. Cellulose is the use able and main part the cotton fiber. 94% cellulose and 6% impurities are made a natural cotton fiber. The name and the percentage impurities are given blew. It’s could be less or high.

Protein                                     1.3%

Pectin’s                                    1.2%

Oil, Fat, Wax                            0.6%

Mineral Matters                       1.3%

Ash                                          0.5%

Others                                      1.1%


Total Impurities                        06%

Cellulose                                  94%

Total:                                      100%


NB: Cellulose is the main useable element in cotton fiber & the quantity of impurities and cellulose could be less or high.



Jute Fiber

Percentage of impurities in Jute fiber.

Percentage of impurities in Jute fiber.

 Jute fiber is a multi-cellulose fiber and the main useable element is cellulose in this fiber. Generally 65% Cellulose and 35% impurities are including in a jute fiber, It could be less or high. Percentage and the name of impurities in jute are given blew.

Hemicelluloses                         22.2%

Lignin                                       10.8%

                                                    Color pigment, Regions and others       2.0%


Total Impurities                      35%

Cellulose                                 65%

Total:                                      100%


NB: Cellulose is the main useable element in Jute fiber & the quantity of impurities and cellulose could be less or high.

Wool Fiber

Percentage of impurities  in Wool fiber

Percentage of impurities in Wool fiber

Wool is a natural animal fiber. The authentic element of wool is keratin. 61% keratin and 39% impurities are made-up the natural animal wool fiber. The impurities are Wool Wax or grease, Suint, dirt, burrs, minaret meters, water and others. Let’s have a look at percentage. It’s could be less or high.

Wool Wax or grease 11%

Suint                                        8%

Dirt                                          8%

                                                                   Burrs minaret meters,

                                                                   Water and others                   12%


Total Impurities                     39%

Keratin                                    61%

Total:                                       100%

NB: Keratin is the main useable element in Wool fiber & the quantity of impurities and Keratin could be less or high.

Silk Fiber

Percentage of impurities in silk fiber

Percentage of impurities in silk fiber

 Silk is a natural animal fiber which one is produce from silk worm. Sericin is the main impurities in the silk fiber. Fibroin is the main element is the main part of the silk its called pure silk. Percentage of impurities are given blew. It’s could be less or high.

Sericin                                      22%

Wax                                           1.5%

                                                                 Mineral salt, color,

                                                                 Pigment and others                  0.5%


Total Impurities                         24%

Fibroin                                     76%

Total:                                       100%

NB: Fibroin is the main useable element in Silk fiber & the quantity of impurities and fibroin could be less or high.




Definition and list of Sewing machine


Definition and list of Sewing machine

Definition and list of Sewing machine


By which machine used to sewing two or more pieces of fabric called sewing machine. A sewing machine sewing not only fabric, but also others material like bags, lather, foot-wear, tent & many more, Etc. sewing machine also used to increase the fabrics fineness and good looking by some special effect. Different sewing machine are obey there different duty to makes a better garments as we want.


List the type of sewing machine are used in textile industry


  • Manual operated sewing machine

Manual operated sewing machine is working by human hand or legs power. The machine operator’s have to operate the machine by his own hand or legs power so that operator can’t work so firstly and smoothly. As a result the manual operated sewing machine’s production is less than electrically operated sewing machine. Today most of the manual sewing machine used in home or a trailer shop because it’s not so expensive and it’s easy to maintenance and use.



  • Electrically operated sewing machine:

This kind of sewing machine working by electrical power, so it’s work first and smoothly. Comparatively electrical operated machine work and production so good than others so it’s called industrial sewing machine. Industrial sewing machine could be much type but some common types of machine are here.


  • Lock stitch machine
  • Chain stitch machine
  • Over lock machine
  • Zigzag stitch machine
  • Flat lock machine
  • Blind stitch machine
  • Button holing machine
  • Button attaching machine
  • Bartech machine


Industrial machine could have one to four needles as required so that many industrial sewing machines presented company fill the importance. There are too many industrial sewing machine produce company around the world but most of this machine used in Bangladesh like Juki, Pegasus, Seruba, brother, Puf, Singer Etc. Every company make competition together there machines power, speed, efficiency, performances etc. the maximum used machine in Bangladesh is juki.


Some machine’s has programming so that it’s possible to make automatic sewing for any design or length what ever you want but this machine is expensive and so hard to maintenance. Though its makes better than others but usages in our country is so less.

Why all the fibers are not textile fiber?

Why all the fibers are not textile fiber

Why all the fibers are not textile fiber

Textile Fiber


According to maximum textile Specialists, to be a textile fiber its must be 500 to 1000 times longer than the width. Every fiber around the word can’t be a textile fiber because a textile fiber has its own specified properties is include Sufficient Strength, Length, Fineness, Elasticity, Crimp, Friction, Ability to react with Acid & Alkali’s and should have the power to protect the effect of biological agent too. Wool, Cotton, Nylon all of them has the requirement to be a fiber on the other hand, may be banana tree has some of the quality to be a textile fiber but it’s not enough. So we can’t precede banana tree is a textile fiber, similarly we also can say all the fiber in the world is not textile fiber expect some which are fill the requirement to be a textile fiber.


If we know about textile fiber then we’ll get why all the fibers are not textile fiber? Textile is special fiber which used to make textile or garments product. Basically we know textile fiber are come from two different source like nature and synthetic. Synthetic fiber also called man made fiber or artificial fiber. Natural fiber is so much comfort to use as a garment and its friendly with nature. On the another hand synthetic fiber is made by human and its not come from nature. Synthetic fiber made from mixing proper unit of chemical as it can make yarn and possible to weave or knitting to make garments. Mostly natural knitting technology used cotton fiber. Cotton fiber is reliable fiber across the world. its mostly used natu This is a little discussion about textile fiber because this is not written about fiber. please follow the link to read more about classification of textile fiber.

Classification of Textile Testing



Importance of textile testing:

Testing is an essential step in textile sector for keep the quality according to buyer on the product. So, textile testing is so much important for textile study let’s have a discussion about Classification of Textile Testing. Without textile testing there is no way to make a place in largest marketplace where is contesting among every single company. To make better garments than textile testing is so important. Now a days every textile industry test there produced garments step by step from fiber selection to cloth, to be hundred percent sure as a better textile product. Any company’s fame depends on their product quality and the product quality depend on textile testing. So, we can call it the textile testing is a part and parcel in textile industry.

Textile testing:

Textile testing is a most important way to certify a textile fiber, yearn or fabric as a use able material in textile products or garments. Testing will inform you what kind of fiber is this and approximately what kind of garments you’ll be produce by this fiber, yearn, fabric. Let’s have a look basically how many textiles testing is used to test, textile fiber, yearn, fabric in the textile lab.

Classification Fiber Testing:

  • Identifications of fiber
  • Grading
  • Color of fibers
  • Fiber Length
  • Fiber strength and elongation
  • Fiber fineness
  • Fiber maturity
  • Trash
  • Neps
  • Short fiber index- SFI
  • Short fiber content- SFC
  • Immature fiber content
  • Dust

Classification Yearn Testing:

  • Yearn count.
  • Twist per unit length
  • Single yearn strength.
  • Lea strength and elongation
  • Appearance
  • Evenness and regularity
  • Hairiness

Classification Fabric Testing:

  • Strength and elongation
  • Length
  • Width
  • Thickness
  • Weight
  • Number of warps yearn per unit length.
  • Number of wefts yearn per unit length.
  • The count of yearn used.
  • Design and construction of cloth
  • Earn permeability.
  • Crimp
  • Shrinkage
  • Stiffness
  • Handle
  • Drape
  • Crease resistance and recovery
  • Abrasion
  • Thermal properties
  • Pilling
  • Water absorbance and resistance

In conclusion, textile testing plays a crucial role in ensuring the quality, safety, and performance of textiles and textile products. By subjecting fabrics and materials to various testing methods, manufacturers, retailers, and consumers can make informed decisions and maintain high standards in the textile industry.

Different component of general sewing machine

Different component of general sewing machine:
Sewing machine acting the biggest role in garments industry. Most of the garments product’s different piece of fabric is attached by sewing. So as a textile student we should know about sewing machine and there parts. General sewing machine basically doesn’t use in garments industry. as per low production by his machine. But conventional general sewing machine mostly observed in domestic use.

Let’s know more. About the general sewing machine.

Different component of Front side

1. Pressure bar & pressure screw.
2. Tension thumb nut
3. Tension thread guard
4. Take up spring
5. Curve on the cover
6. Small hole guard
7. Needle camp
8. Pressure foot lifter
9. Pressure foot

Different component of Back side

1. Regulating screw
2. Balance wheel
3. Feed dog
4. Stop motion screw

Some Exceptional elements are including in the modern sewing machine.

1. Guide
2. Compensating foot
3. Specialized pressure foot
4. Stitching jig
5. Back guide
6. Folder
7. Spool pin
8. Bobbin
9. Bobbin case
10. Bobbin winder spindle
11. Bobbin winder latch
12. Crank shaft bearing
13. Connection rod and crank
14. Feed fork and cam
15. Feed fork slider
16. Grove of cam
17. Take up liver pivot
18. Needle bar link
19. Feed lifter fork bearing
20. Feed rock shaft bearing
21. Shuttle race
22. Feed lifter fork and bearing
23. Feed lifter fork and cam
24. Shuttle drive shaft bearing
25. Eccentric cam and bearing
26. Eccentric fork
27. Connecting rod hinge
28. Connecting bearing
29. Feed fork hinge

Some Exceptional elements also we see in modern sewing machine

30. Lighting
31. Stitch pattern selector
32. Stitch width selector
33. Stitch chart
34. Needle position selector
35. Button hole balance nob
36. Speed regulator

Also include

  • Binder
  • Foot hammer
  • Under braider
  • Ruffler
  • Fuffler with shearing plate
  • Tuck marker
  • Cording gripper foot
  • Seam guide
  • Button hole
  • Decorator
  • Gathering foot
  • Edge snitcher

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Definition and list of Sewing machine

Description of Flax Fiber


flax fiber cultivation field

flax fiber cultivation field


Flax is a bast fiber which is cultivated in cold and humid condition. Flax fiber is obtained from the stalk of the flax plant. Flax fiber is botanically known as “Linum usitatissimum”. It is also known as linen fiber. Linen fiber is relatively smooth, straight and lustrous, linen fiber is more brittle and less flexible than cotton. It is more difficult to prepare and spin into yarn. Linen yearn can be very strong and lustrous. It is used from appeared home furnishing.

Flax fiber production country’s are:

  • North Ireland
  • Egypt
  • Japan
  • Argentina
  • Brazil
  • U.S.A
  • France
  • Australia
  • Canada
  • New Zealand
  • Switzerland
  • Scotland
  • England
  • Russia
  • Italy
  • Belgium

Flax Cultivation:
The flax plant from which the fiber is extracted grows in moist and cold condition. The plant grows up to 170 cm in height and 1.5cm dia. The fibers grow around the stem of the tree. The stem consists several layers of these fiber connected together and can not be easily separated. When the tree becomes matured by changing its color from green from yellow, it is sheared for the extraction of the fiber. After shearing the plant are allowed to lie in open field for a week or so when all the leaves and branches comes out of the tree. After this the plants are bundle up and carried over to a place where they are hackled.

[The amount of flax production is ¼ of jute fiber]

Flow chart for Flax fiber production:

Land preparation

Seed Sown

Plant grow

Thinning and weeding







 Flax cultivation is a little difficult because this fiber grow in cold weather country. without cold weather this fiber is not able to cultivation. Because of the cultivation condition this fiber is expensive then other natural fiber.

Read more about Description of flax Fiber & Properties of flax fiber

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