Responsibility of sewing supervisor

Responsibility of sewing supervisor

Cloth is most known particular things we used since we were baby and still we use it every single day in our life social life. This cloths we wear, is not so easy to produce, its take a long journey in production factory. One of your garments is required to look after by too many responsible people. Today’s our discussion related one of them is called sewing supervisor. Sewing section is the unit of garments which is responsible to make a proper shape and extended life of stitch to maintain the buyer quality standard.

Responsibility of a sewing supervisor

Responsibility of a sewing supervisor

Responsibility of a sewing supervisor is not like a desk job and work eight hours in a day. It’s very difficult to explain who has no personal experience in garment sector especially in underdeveloped country like India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, and many more. Sewing supervisor need to attend his/her duty in on production floor with hundred of sewing operators. Every production needs thousand of worker in a unit and in charge of all of them are production manager. In that case the production manager is unable to look after all of those workers so they need sewing supervisor to maintain a unit amount of worker and operator.  A sewing supervisor also observed by production manager, they get order from manager and done the job by worker. After complete the task the supervisor submit those production information in corporate office by order of production manager.

Responsibility of production supervisor

  • Planning and organizing production schedules
  • Take a look of the project and resource total amount of raw material.
  • Style Analysis with expert mind to get buyer requirement.
  • Estimating, negotiating and agreeing budgets and timescales with clients and managers
  • Ensuring that health and safety regulations are met
  • Discipline in Shop Floor
  • Operator Training needs to execute the production without any problem
  • Line Setting maintain the production system following step by step
  • Line Balancing and WIP Control
  • Determining quality control standards
  • Overseeing production processes
  • Re-negotiating timescales or schedules as necessary
  • Selecting, ordering and purchasing materials
  • Organizing the repair and routine maintenance of production equipment
  • Liaising with buyers and marketing and sales staff
  • Supervising the work of junior staff
  • Machine Selection
  • Stitching Quality
  • Meeting Target Production

Required special skill of production supervisor

  • Confidence on challenging work.
  • Technical skills in production sector.
  • Project management skills in relevant area.
  • Organisation and efficiency in factory
  • Communication skills with worker and office.
  • Team working skills with peaceful mind
  • Computer skill with MS Office and Internet
  • Problem solving skills to reducing time and money wastage.
  • Leadership and interpersonal skills to maintain worker.
  • Calculation skill to calculate any critical production calculation.


WIP : Waiting to Input

In consolation I would like to share my personal experience. Most of that are requirement I shared in this article is important to do a job in a garment industry as a supervisor. But there is something I didn’t mention in this article which is smartness and ability to maintain a good relation with boss and workers. So make a position by yourself don’t give-up the sector by thinking that garments is too harder job than you thought.  Best of Luck!

Top ten country by cotton Exporting

Top ten country by exporting cotton

Cotton is a natural fiber which able to makes most comfortable and beloved of all cloth in efficient budget. This is the most popular natural fiber across the world because of its chemical and natural properties. Cotton takes an important role in textile industry to fill the necessity of natural fiber. All that textile production country does not have the ability to grow cotton in own country because of sufficient land, fertilization, climates and government approval. Pick a country like Bangladesh; it’s able to cultivate cotton in their inland but cotton takes a little long to grow and mature; in that time Bangladeshi farmer can grow more crops than cotton which helps them to survive and feed the nation.

Top ten country by exporting cotton

Top ten country by exporting cotton

In that case some people export their cotton after complete the demand of domestic industry. Various countries grow cotton which not only fulfills domestic needs but also boosting up the overall economical health of the country by exporting cotton across the world.

Global cotton export estimate amount was $54.3billion in 2015. Here are given blew the top ten list of the country which add a fair amount of money on annual growth of economy. This statistic is taken from recent global market export and import statistic report.

List of top ten country by exporting cotton:

S/N Country Worth of shipment in (USD) Percentage of total exports
01 China $15.8 billion 29.1%
02 India $7.5 billion 13.8%
03 United States $5.9 billion 10.8%
04 Pakistan $3.1 billion 5.7%
05 Hong Kong $2.3 billion 4.3%
06 Vietnam $1.8 billion 3.2%
07 Turkey $1.7 billion 3.1%
08 Italy $1.5 billion 2.7%
09 Brazil $1.4 billion 2.7%
10 Germany $998.9 million 1.8%

China is the country who leads the cotton exporting business around the globe. With 9,596,961 km2 and 1,376,049,000 population china produce a huge amount of cotton that fulfill their domestic Demand and makes more than $15.8 billion USD last year. Come to the second country India which 3,287,263 km2 and 1,293,057,000 of population they produce vast amount of cotton that fill domestic demand and export extra cotton; like china and makes $7.5 billion USD last year. In that situation one thing is clear that; to produce huge amount of cotton you need more lands with adept people to cultivate cotton to makes garments and export it in worldwide.

3D printing in garment industry

3D Printing in garments industry

Printing is an essential department in garments manufacturing industry; which makes special looks for a garment. Different apparel branded company around the world always print different design on the garments to gives better looks. There are too many types of printing system are used in garments technology but 3D printing is a glorious and latest invention in apparel industry.

3D printing in Garment Industry.

3D printing in Garment Industry.

What is 3D technology?

3D isn’t newly invented technology in the world but in apparel industry this is the most recent invention makes people happy and more fashionable. 3D technology stands for three-dimensional technology that offers a wide array of possibilities in near future in almost every walk of life and especially in entertainment, fashion, architecture, and many more segments. 1915 is time as far as concern when the 3D technology was invented but it was unable to commercial use cause of costly hardware and production process. But there are a few times in USA 1950s, 1980s, 1990s and 2000s are used this technology in entertainment industry. In December 2009 and January 2010 the 3D technology achieved unprecedented success by presenting avatar film (avatar is blockbuster Hollywood film).


Since 2010, the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) group ASTM F42 – Additive Manufacturing developed a set of standards that classify the Additive Manufacturing processes into 7 categories according to Standard Terminology for Additive Manufacturing Technologies. These seven processes are given blew.


Vat Photopolymerisation

Material Jetting

Binder Jetting

Material Extrusion

Powder Bed Fusion

Sheet Lamination

Directed Energy Depositio


Different technique of 3d printing


Digital Light Processing(DLP)

Fused deposition modeling (FDM)

Selective Laser Sintering (SLS)

Selective laser melting (SLM)

Electronic Beam Melting (EBM)


Conclusion: Each technology takes a little time to spread into all around the world and industry. Though 3D Technology was invented long ago but its seems new in textile technology. How ever; we’ll research more to be updated about 3D printing in garments industry.

Textile liability insurance

Textile & industrial liability insurance

What is Insurance?

Insurance is a helpful policy for a business or any property when it’s facing a bigger problem and unable to solve itself caused by event(s). Insurance protects yourself when you have got a car accident, house or industry burn on fire and many more. You also can buy an insurance to secure your life by getting paid when you are so much ill and unable to work properly. On the other way if you buy a life insurance you family would pay after your death. Insurance company does such things because they will get the premium continuously to support you when you got a house burn, car accident, unable to work or died.

Insurance company provide financial support, when a business goes into a huge amount of financial loss, damage, burn on fire or by any event (s) as the contract signed by both of party. Insurance gives you peace of mind and you know that if anything happens to you, your family or your business that you will be financially secure.

Somebody says “Insurance Risk-transfer mechanism that ensures full or partial financial compensation for the loss or damage caused by event(s) beyond the control of the insured party. Insurance provider company need to pay the amount of money how much was signed under a contract.”

What is textile Insurance?

Textile industry work with a huge amount of money and workers so that they could experience an accident anytime during work by electricity, fire, hazard chemical, gas and many type machinery etc. if any industry suddenly get an accident and loss too much money! Who will help them to build a new industry or fix the problem created by the accident(s)? Every textile industry needs to buy insurance and pay the premium to support them when they are in damage or loss situation.

Type of insurance:

There are too many type of insurance; from life insurance to pet insurance, here is some of insurance name are given below. Names are used mostly.

  • Life insurance
  • Car insurance
  • Industrial insurance
  • Travel insurance
  • Motor insurance
  • Fire/ House owners/ Householders insurance
  • Personal accident insurance
  • Medical and health insurance


How insurance works?

First you chose for what? You want to purchase insurance and from what, event(s) you want to protect your property. After complete the task you many ask for insurance assistance to any insurance company you chose by their reputations. The consultants calculate your property value and insure the risk of an accident. Consultants determine the money you have to pay in a unit time (premium) to get support if you deserve to get paid by Insurer Company.

Choose an insurance policy:

All document and contract between insured and insurer include in this policy paper. Policy provides the information of the property you want to protect from some event(s) should be included. Estimate value of the property and amount of money should give by the policy provider after get any accident. For example; car insurance might say that it would be cover if you had an unexpected accident during driving. Insurance company might pay the bill to reconditioning the car to drive on read as it was or pay the money (as in the policy) if it’s completely unusable but not if you break a traffic signal, driving after taking alcohol, driving without driving license, and many more (as in the policy).

 Pay the premium

Premium is the amounts of money you pay each month year (sometimes at once) ensure to continue your insurance. The amount you pay depends on the risk and on the value of the events you’re insuring. Insurance company collects the money you given by the name of premium .if you don’t pay the premium than how they support you? That’s why you must need to pay the premium.

Make a claim

If something happens that’s covered by the policy, you can claim on your insurance. You tell the insurance company what happened, they check that it’s covered under your policy, and if the claim meets with what you are protected against then they pay you as agreed.

There are a few more things you should know about getting insurance. Sometimes some of policy could be danger in your critical time and insurance company could be refused to pay so please read all scream & document carefully before purchase insurance.

Safety in garments industry

Safety in garments industry

Industry is a place where some of products are produced by various machinery and worker. Because of too many workers do their work in a place, so they need to follow some rules and regulation to keep them healthy and safety?

Safety in garments industry

Safety in garments industry

When a designer make an industry design they never compromise the safety of the worker would be used on that production. They decide where should be the dangerous machinery keep and how they are being operated with keep the safety distance. Designer used some identified symbol to keep the labor or worker safe must be known to every person in the industry. Though most of the small sizes of industry never use the entire safety symbol but they used a few essential symbols like entry, exit, fire, alarm, hazard, store, office, maintains etc.

If we research on worker health and safety, than there is no such rules and regulation before 1995. Worker need to be healthy and safety during working time and their personal life so in 1995 created a list of rules and regulation. All those rules and regulation are given blew with symbolic information.


Provisions of Facilities

Safety in garments industry -Provisions of Facilities

  • Accommodation for clothing
  • Air conditioning systems
  • Atmospheric conditions
  • Common facilities
  • Drinking water
  • Seating
  • Facilities for rest
  • First aid
  • Lighting
  • Maintenance of facilities
  • Meals in places of work
  • General place of work ventilation
  • Removal of steam, fumes, dust and other contaminants
  • Toilets
  • Washing facilities
  • Drainage of floors
  • Fire precautions

General safety of provision

  • Safety general
  • Cleanliness
  • Prevention of falls
  • Safe means of access and egress
  • Safety in confined spaces
  • Training and supervision
  • Overcrowding and airspace
  • Traffic control
  • Workers employed under loads
  • Lifting heavy tools
  • Protection from harmful noise and noise control
  • Electrical installation safety
  • Portable electric equipment
  • Signs, color coding and aisle marking
  • Duties of designers, manufacturers, suppliers and sellers of plant
  • Duties of designers, manufacturers, suppliers and sellers of protective clothing and equipment
  • Restriction on the employment of young persons

Hazards substance and materials

Hazards substance and materials

Hazards substance and materials

  • Protective clothing and equipment
  • Safe work on loose materials
  • Vessels containing liquids
  • Flame cutting and welding
  • Safety in refrigerated compartments and places where electromagnetic or ionizing radiation is generated
  • Precautions with respect to explosive or flammable substances
  • Storage of materials
  • Storage of hazardous substances
  • Eliminating hazardous substances
  • Safe use of harmful substances
  • Workplace exposure standards
  • Work with compressed air and high-pressure equipment

Occupational health

Occupational health

Occupational health

  • Identification of occupational health problems in places of work
  • General hygiene
  • Prevention of infection
  • Managing occupational health
  • Advice of employees
  • Stress
  • Occupational overuse syndrome (OOS)
  • Ergonomics at work
  • Changes in working hours and shift work
  • Violence at work
  • Language and cultural considerations
  • Alcohol and drug dependence


All those requirement is not only for those worker who work but also important for the owner of the industry because an unsafe place never motivate a worker to do their best performance. A dangerous working place could make a dangerous situation which is definitely not profitable for business. So all those requirement should followed by all of this production industry.

salwar kameez fashion

Salwar kameez
Salwar Kameez Fashion

Salwar Kameez Fashion

Sari was a main dress of women in Bangladesh, India and few countries in south Asia and Middle East but today it change in to three pieces. Three pieces is a package of a dress where must present three piece of fabric such as kameez, Pajama & Scarf. Generally this three pieces package is not ready to use; it is need to customize by body shape in any ladies tailoring shop. Some people identify this package dress is salwar kameez (Pajama, Shirt). The female in Bangladesh are mostly used three pieces cloth for living and fashion in every single day. There are too many different design and different quality full three pieces are used in the world. Though this three pieces fashion are for all over the world, but Some of sources says mostly Bangladesh, Indian, Pakistan, and more are used this clothing fashion in Asia and Middle East.

Salwar kameez

Salwar kameez

Description of three pieces fabric

Three different type and sized fabrics are makes three pieces clothing fashion. Are those parte age give blew with short description.

Kameez: this word comes from Punjabi, Hindi and Urdu qamīz, all ultimately from Portuguese camisa, shirt (influenced by Persian and Arabic qamīṣ, shirt), from Late Latin camisia. This is one kind of shirt are worn by ladies or women in the Asia. Though kameez is like a shirt but generally kameez longer than a gents shirt.

Pajama: you know what it means! This is a ladies pant and a part of three pieces. Fabric of this pajama provide in the package of three pieces dress. This pajama also made from voile or poplin cloth. Gents pant made from pant pieces which are more hard and stronger than the voile or poplin fabric. So in simple sentence the pajama of ladies doesn’t make the longevity like gents pant.

Scarf: scarf is an essential element for girl in Pakistan and Bangladesh especially in Muslim country all over the world but in Indian most of the girl doesn’t use scarf. Dopatta and orna are another names of scarf called in Asia. Ladies or girls are using this scarf with kameez, Maxi, Borkha, also with sari.

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