Top 10 cotton producer country in the world

Map- Top 10 cotton producer country in the world

Description of Cotton:

Cotton is the most popular fiber in the natural fiber. This is maximum usage fiber around the world because this cotton is not harmful for body and this is most comfort in low price. Cotton fabric is so friendly with skin and environment.

Map- Top 10 cotton producer country in the world

Map- Top 10 cotton producer country in the world

Impurities in Cotton fiber:

Cotton is a uni-cellulose fiber. Cellulose is the use able and main part of the cotton fiber. 94% cellulose and 6% impurities are made a natural cotton fiber. The name and the percentage of impurities are given blew. It’s could be less of high.

Protein                         1.3%

Pectin’s                       1.2%

Oil, Fat, Wax              0.6%

Mineral Matters           1.3%

Ash                              0.5%

Others                         1.1%


Total Impurities           06%

Cellulose                     94%


Total:                          100%

Top ten cotton producers country in the world:

China comes first on the list of top ten cotton producer country around the world. China provide maximum amount of cotton. More than 33% cotton comes from china. Not only cotton producer but also china is remarkable country in the world every sector which helps the country change a little. Another country also cultivates the cotton fiber like India, U.S.A. Pakistan Brazil etc. all the country also mention on the list of top ten cotton produce country in the world.

Statistic- Top 10 cotton producer country in the world

Statistic- Top 10 cotton producer country in the world

Percentage of cotton produce by countries are given blew.

China                           33.00

India                            27.0

U.S.A                          18.0

Pakistan                      10.30

Brazil                           9.30

Uzbekistan                  4.60

Australia                      4.20

Turkey                         2.80

Turkmenistan              1.60

Greece                         1.40

To know more about cotton fiber please follow the link are given.

Percentage of impurities in different natural fiber

Classification Of Textile Fiber.

Description of Flax Fiber

What is carding and classification of carding machine?

This article is about What is carding and classification of carding machine? Trash and impurities full fiber is not able to proper spinning to build the basic construction of yearn. So it’s should be remove by different process, which is include in blow-room one process after another process. Removing Trash is process is started from first line of blow room and the second step of Trash removing process are called carding process. Carding process is one of them, which are played the vital role to remove maximum of trash from fiber. To make yearn it’s important to make a sliver after removing trash.

The basic fundamental of carding machine is removing trash and make long sliver to build the basic construction of spinning yearn.



Objects of carding machine

  • Take the lap from blow room and make it small unit and make them align.
  • After blow room process, make sure the fiber is full free of dust, short fiber, break seed and unnecessary things.
  • Extra and unnecessary short and hairy fiber completely removed from sliver.
  • Made by the Immature fiber is called napes are make free by carding process.
  • Fiber could be blending and mixing if necessary by this process.
  • Make the fiber prepared for next process by make them equal and same distance among every fiber.



Different types of carding machine:

  • Roller and clearer card
  • Stationary flat card
  • Revolving flat card




In the era of modern science the carding machine also discovered new and easy to use by depend on setting and setup the cylinder and take in. Out modern carding machine gives us extra care about the fiber and make them more smooth and useable. The another different design and style carding machines are

  • Dual carding machine
  • Mono or single carding machine
  • Tandom carding machine
  • Schubert & sulzer super carding machine



Classification Of Textile Fiber.

If you describe the definition of textile fiber in single sentence than you can say “Textile fiber is that essential textile Ra-Material to produce any kind of textile or garments products”. To make Woven fabric, Non-Woven fabric, knitting fabric, Felt, Lace Etc. Without use any kind of textile fiber, simply no one can even think to make any kind of textile or garments products.

The definition of another hand like,                                                                                                                                                                                           A unit of matters characterized by flexibility, fineness, strength, high ration to length to width is called fiber. Generally a fiber should be 500 to 1000 times longer than its width. It needed to enable fibers to be twisted together to from a yarn.

Requirement for Use-able fiber
Textile fiber should be minimum length 5 mm, soft, supple and able to spin. A textile fiber should have elasticity, strong, luster, smooth and many more requirement to be an ideal textile fiber what ever the fiber is natural or man made fiber (Synthetic).

There are too many textile products in the whole world. The product must made by some textile fiber between natural and man made (Synthetic). Each fiber’s have too many classifications. Let’s go to read more to know the classifications of all textile fiber.


Classification Of Textile Fibers



Classification Of Textile Fibers.

 -:Please Zoom the picture to see the classification clearly:-

Percentage of impurities in different natural fiber


Percentage of impurities in different natural fiber:

Every natural textile fiber is made with a little bit impurities which are totally unusable. Before use that fiber its need to remove those impurities from the fiber with keeps the useable part that fiber. Various quantities impurities and various types impurities are included in textile natural fiber. Every natural fiber, impurities and quantities are given blew.

Cotton Fiber

Percentage of impurities in Cotton fiber.

Percentage of impurities in Cotton fiber.

Cotton is a uni-cellulose fiber. Cellulose is the use able and main part the cotton fiber. 94% cellulose and 6% impurities are made a natural cotton fiber. The name and the percentage impurities are given blew. It’s could be less or high.

Protein                                     1.3%

Pectin’s                                    1.2%

Oil, Fat, Wax                            0.6%

Mineral Matters                       1.3%

Ash                                          0.5%

Others                                      1.1%


Total Impurities                        06%

Cellulose                                  94%

Total:                                      100%


NB: Cellulose is the main useable element in cotton fiber & the quantity of impurities and cellulose could be less or high.



Jute Fiber

Percentage of impurities in Jute fiber.

Percentage of impurities in Jute fiber.

 Jute fiber is a multi-cellulose fiber and the main useable element is cellulose in this fiber. Generally 65% Cellulose and 35% impurities are including in a jute fiber, It could be less or high. Percentage and the name of impurities in jute are given blew.

Hemicelluloses                         22.2%

Lignin                                       10.8%

                                                    Color pigment, Regions and others       2.0%


Total Impurities                      35%

Cellulose                                 65%

Total:                                      100%


NB: Cellulose is the main useable element in Jute fiber & the quantity of impurities and cellulose could be less or high.

Wool Fiber

Percentage of impurities  in Wool fiber

Percentage of impurities in Wool fiber

Wool is a natural animal fiber. The authentic element of wool is keratin. 61% keratin and 39% impurities are made-up the natural animal wool fiber. The impurities are Wool Wax or grease, Suint, dirt, burrs, minaret meters, water and others. Let’s have a look at percentage. It’s could be less or high.

Wool Wax or grease 11%

Suint                                        8%

Dirt                                          8%

                                                                   Burrs minaret meters,

                                                                   Water and others                   12%


Total Impurities                     39%

Keratin                                    61%

Total:                                       100%

NB: Keratin is the main useable element in Wool fiber & the quantity of impurities and Keratin could be less or high.

Silk Fiber

Percentage of impurities in silk fiber

Percentage of impurities in silk fiber

 Silk is a natural animal fiber which one is produce from silk worm. Sericin is the main impurities in the silk fiber. Fibroin is the main element is the main part of the silk its called pure silk. Percentage of impurities are given blew. It’s could be less or high.

Sericin                                      22%

Wax                                           1.5%

                                                                 Mineral salt, color,

                                                                 Pigment and others                  0.5%


Total Impurities                         24%

Fibroin                                     76%

Total:                                       100%

NB: Fibroin is the main useable element in Silk fiber & the quantity of impurities and fibroin could be less or high.




Description of Flax Fiber


flax fiber cultivation field

flax fiber cultivation field


Flax is a bast fiber which is cultivated in cold and humid condition. Flax fiber is obtained from the stalk of the flax plant. Flax fiber is botanically known as “Linum usitatissimum”. It is also known as linen fiber. Linen fiber is relatively smooth, straight and lustrous, linen fiber is more brittle and less flexible than cotton. It is more difficult to prepare and spin into yarn. Linen yearn can be very strong and lustrous. It is used from appeared home furnishing.

Flax fiber production country’s are:

  • North Ireland
  • Egypt
  • Japan
  • Argentina
  • Brazil
  • U.S.A
  • France
  • Australia
  • Canada
  • New Zealand
  • Switzerland
  • Scotland
  • England
  • Russia
  • Italy
  • Belgium

Flax Cultivation:
The flax plant from which the fiber is extracted grows in moist and cold condition. The plant grows up to 170 cm in height and 1.5cm dia. The fibers grow around the stem of the tree. The stem consists several layers of these fiber connected together and can not be easily separated. When the tree becomes matured by changing its color from green from yellow, it is sheared for the extraction of the fiber. After shearing the plant are allowed to lie in open field for a week or so when all the leaves and branches comes out of the tree. After this the plants are bundle up and carried over to a place where they are hackled.

[The amount of flax production is ¼ of jute fiber]

Flow chart for Flax fiber production:

Land preparation

Seed Sown

Plant grow

Thinning and weeding







 Flax cultivation is a little difficult because this fiber grow in cold weather country. without cold weather this fiber is not able to cultivation. Because of the cultivation condition this fiber is expensive then other natural fiber.

Read more about Description of flax Fiber & Properties of flax fiber

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