How do they gets order from buyers?

Garments factory produced garments and shipment to various country by on land transportation, Sea or by air and makes profit. They use LC transaction system most of the time get the money.  When the manufacturer failed to complete the full PO quantity order on time than they send the goods to buyer by air which is much expensive than sea shipment.

Have you ever been curious to know? How exactly they execute all of those process? No…………o! If yes; than you might be get some information but not completely satisfied you. Isn’t it? Today I’ll try to make you a little clearer about this matter. Let’s ask a few question and try to find out the answer.

How do they gets order from buyers?

Get an order to produce garments is not an easy task. Merchandiser of a factory is responsible to take order from buyer and execute the full production to shipment. The merchandiser received some product related documents like Tech Pack, Spec, and Measurement Chart from buyer’s representative. Merchandiser send those documents to Product Development (PD) Department it’s also known as Sample Section. The pattern maker makes pattern and send it to the sample making responsible to make mock up for that particular garment. Also send the pattern to CAD department to calculate the actual consumption of fabric and materials.

What is Mock Up?

Mock up is a demo structure of that garments, makes the initiating time of product development stage. PD makes to find out the difficulties it’s can be occurred during sample making and production process. Mock up helps the CAD & IE related people to find out the actual consumption materials and SMV. This sample makes from available fabric and trims which already they have in factory.

Procedure of to go for Negotiations:
Base on this value they makes approximate price for garments, which they get from CAD & and IE. The merchandiser place a price to the customer to negotiate with them. Most of the time buyer ask to reduce the price if the garments is new style. When the buyer thinks the price is reasonable they ask them to proceed for buying sample. The sample section is responsible to make desire garments however customer needs.  Representative of buyer change the garments style, shape, materials so many time in this development stage to make a proper shape and affordable price. If they like than they ask for Counter Sample (CS) to make contract seal with that factory.

What is contract Seal?

Contract seal means, the factory get the order from buyer and can be start production process as soon as they want to complete the production within shipment dead line. Factory works so hard to complete the production and prepared the shipment goods in the barrier of their

last FOB date.

How they negotiate the price of goods?

Merchandiser is the person who is responsible to do that negotiation with customer. Merchandiser go for negotiation after get the consumption summary from CAD department, SMV & threads consumption from IE Department. This process takes a little long time finalize the actual garments and is price. Its takes 60 days to 120 days depend on buyer requirement and goods price from development to shipment.

Meaning of abbreviations are used in this article

CAD      = Computer Aided Design.

SMV       = Standard Minute Value.

CS           = Counter Sample.

PD          = Product Development.

IE            = Industrial Engineering.

LC           = Letter of credit

PO          = Product Order

FOB        = Free On Board

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What is garment Tech Pack or Spec


Tech pack is an important sheet or paper where the designer create tech pack by illustration with all necessary information to make the desire product. It’s also known as spec by relevant people.This is like a contract paper for buyer and manufacturer, where they put all necessary information how they want that garments and send it to the responsible merchandiser. The buyer place all those information how they want that garments. Buyer send tech pack or spec separately for each and every garments.  Now in single sentence we can say that is tech pack is an instruction paper for making garment.

What is include in tech pack?

Tech pack is all about design, garment measurement and direction; how the garment need to produce.

  • Technical sketch of garments (Back, Front, Sleeve, neck, Hemp, and all required projection).
  • Garment’s proper image with measurement point.
  • Fabric Construction details (fabric type, fiber type, fiber percentage).
  • List of fabric, trims, materials, color, grading (Material source or supplier if required).
  • Size chart and ratio breakdown.
  • Artwork for prints, embroideries, patterns, labels, etc.
  • Packaging instruction.
  • Label dimension, fabrication, placement, text size and description.
Garment Sketch & Article Summary

Garment Sketch & Article Summary

How tech pack reduce time consumption in production industry?

Before place a production order to a garments manufacturer by buyer need a pre-production sample (PP Sample) as they can acquaint the production ability of any factory. Without any tech pack or special instruction none of any company can makes sample perfectly. They’ll have to make more and more PP sample and submit to the buyer for approval. It’ll take so much time to make exact sample which buyer looking for. In that case too much time required to approve one sample by buyer, time in money in production industry. If Sample department follow buyers tech pack or spec than may be they’ll be able to make desire sample on time and reduce the consumption of time which is way to save money.

Measurement chart

Measurement chart

Why garments manufacturer does required tech pack?

Tech pack indicate the way to produce the garment, in that case you’ll find the almost each and every essential information to complete garments production on that particular style or design. Designer build a strong communication with manufacturer how the garments need to complete.

Merchandiser working on tech pack with pattern.

Merchandiser working on tech pack with pattern.

How do you make a tech pack?

Most of the time designer used Adobe Illustrator software to make design or dedicated garments design software. Some time they follow some design template which can be downloaded from internet. If you want to make this kind of design you may follow any kind of methods to do your own design. Personally I use Adobe illustrator software which used most of the designing or advertisement media. Illustrator makes vector file so you would be able to print your design large size if you want.

Problem of Tech Pack

When any designer create a particular garments design; Designer doesn’t have much idea about pattern & marker making. In that case sometime designer need to amend the design by discussing with technical team as per save consumption of fabric.

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Everything about Spec is not possible to describe in any article, but I tried my best to show you as much as possible by a few lines. You might be get different situation during work. But all about tech pack is same as I described. Did I missed something that you want to share? Then don’t hesitate to place your opinion on below comment box. If you have any query write me on



Responsibility of an apparel merchandiser

Responsibility of an apparel merchandiser

Apparel merchandiser is a person who is plays the vital role to make a better profit by making contract with buyer to successful shipment. An ideal merchandiser should follow a few responsibilities to execute the apparel manufacturing process. All those responsibility should know every merchandiser that’s why I’m going to discuss about it. A minor mistake can reduce you calculation specialty or your professional skill. So read every step of this article carefully to be an expert on merchandising and do your professional duties.

Merchandiser is key of marketing for a garment manufacturing company and production observer.

Order collection

This is the first step to do duty of a senior merchandiser in garments industry. Always looking for buyer, make discussion and finally make an appointment with them to make a great deal by taking some dress manufacturing contract or order collection. An expert merchandiser can make a huge profit by making a profitable contract with buyer. Though most of the contract makes via E-mail or Fax but a merchandiser should know all of the way to collect order from buyer.

You May Interested to read. How do they gets order from buyers?

Sample development

Every business use some sample design to convince the buyer. That’s why this business also needs to make some sample to show those to buyer. Development of sample is required when the production factory want to take challenge to make batter garment with different high profile production factory. Sample development should be prepared before show to the buyer as it can be acceptable.

Price negotiation

Profit is the main aim of a garments production factory. What ever you think; in every business profit comes first. So In that case a senior merchandiser should know how to negotiate the price with buyer as the production company get’s profit by making this garments. Senior merchandiser must know how to explain the product with the buyer and why they deserve such amount of money to produce the product.

Material sourcing

Sourcing of the material capability is great and so much important qualification of a senior merchandiser. Every merchandiser should maintain a strong and good relation with supplier as they can be reaching in time. A good relation between supplier and buyer could help together to produce better product on time.

Order confirmation

Order confirmation is an important duty for a merchandiser that we have got the requirement garment manufacturing like quality of garment, how many size include in it, quantity of garments etc. simply it a simple latter or mail to buyer that we are agree to produce the garment within a amount days.

L/C opening

This is needs to export the product in another country. This is a part of commercial department of an industry but senior merchandiser should know and maintain the L/C work.

Opening summery

This is short information of all of goods manufacturing process. Opening summery made when a contract made by showing to the buyer or customer. This is whole process of manufacturing showing at a glance.

Production planning

This is a future planning of garments how it manufactures and what we’ll get. Production planning helps senior merchandiser to draw a production flow chart as it can be execute properly and handle all of worker.

Product development

Talking about the people who use the garments; always want a high quality garments by low budget. So product development is an important step to take before starting the manufacturing.

Production monitoring

Every production need to monitor properly so that the production would not makes any wrong step. Production monitoring helps the production manager to provide as same as garments quality as buyer required.

Quality assurance

Quality is a great character of a garment product. The product should not compromise with its quality by any causes. Buyer reserve the authority to cancel the order, if the quality of garments is less than the buyer asked.

Final inspection

Inspection is one of the most important steps to take in any manufacturing process. Buyer always asks for new and different design and quality that is could be new to the worker or official stuff. So inspection required in every step. Some time inspection could be providing wrong information as a result the shipment could be in danger. After complete final inspection the shipment would be ready for delivery.

Arrange shipment

After completing folding, packing, and make a unit box by carton. The goods are ready to shipment than the senior merchandiser arrange a transport to send them to buyer. If buyer has any terms and condition than merchandiser could follow the instruction because buyer is a big income source of the manufacturing company.