Description of tailoring process

Description of tailoring
Description of tailoring

Description of tailoring


Tailoring is a process of garment making by take the measurement of one selected person’s body shape. One this garments making system the selected person select his/her favorite design, color, fabric. The garments all of measurement and every design can be depend on the customer. Tailoring system makes a garment for one single person.


One the other hand the garments industry system makes thousand of dress by three different size by taking baby, man and women body’s ideal shape and measurement. Garments system make pattern using marker and cut thousand of pieces of garments piece at a time and make them full useable garment after sewing and finishing. Garments and tailoring is same state of garments manufacturing system but in reality it’s two different way to make garment.


Tailoring is a small business but garment is a business with a vast word. Tailoring business is run by one administration and a few tailors are work to give the production. In a tailoring shop a cutting master is required to take the measurement from the customer’s (selected person who want to make a garment by his/her own body shape) different part of body and cut the fabric, send them to tailor to sewing, make a desire dress to look them perfect.


Ironing or calendaring is required to give the perfect satisfaction to the customer after complete the dress. Some time the cutting master also does the job as a tailor. Tailoring system has own style like one tailor only sewing one type of dress, if the tailor sewing pant than tailor must sewing pant not shirt. A shirt is takes a little long to complete in tailoring system than garment industrial system.


Without those information there is something to mention.

  1. For one selected person is make one selected dress.
  2. Not need to grade anything.
  3. One sewing machine is able to make a garment.
  4. The making cost of dress is more than the garments industry’s system.
  5. Feting of the dress are more than the garments industry’s system.
  6. Fabric wastage is much more than the garments industry’s system.
  7. Selected person’s own measurement is required to make a cloth so no need to use pattern.
  8. No need to use any cutting machine in tailoring.
  9. Trail option helps the customer to fit their cloth by wearing that.
  10. Never use care code in tailoring.
  11. After get the trail if the dress is not fit with the body, then there is an option to make it more comfortable as the customer required.
  12. Tailor gives the customer priority first so they keep trying till get the customer satisfaction.



Distinguish Between Tailoring and Garments process.

Discussion about different type of splice

Discussion about different type of splice
Discussion about different type of splice

Discussion about different type of splice


During the fabric spreading process, if the fault detector machine gets any fault or damage on the fabric then the fabric must be cut by width and start spreading from the edge of fabric already spread by overlapping. This kind of overlapping is called splice. Generally overlapping or splice is signed in marker.

Discussion about different type of splice

though this article suppose to describe different type of splice but in the reality there are two different type of splice according to the garments industry. splice is a technique which is help spreading fabric on the spreading table for the it perfect shape as it can sewing and get the desire garments product.


Two types of splice

Straight line splice

Straight line splice is pointed width with a straight line on the spreading table to show the fabric edge. Pattern is stick with both side of straight line into marker. Fabric spreading is starting with 2 inch of fabric extra on splice line positions.


Interlock splice

This kind of splice is hang two straight line with is add into a specific point. At first this marker design is draw on the marker table by chalk. Interlock splice is defined two interlock pattern in the two different lines. As like as the straight splice this splice also take extra 2 inch fabric on overlapping position.

Garments manufacturing flow chart


Garments are final result, that’s why the all textile industry working hard day by day. A garment is a word which is directly used in apparel and clothing technology and this technology can depend on woven fabric as well as knit and hosiery. To make a perfect product a few rule and regulation is required to follow so that a flow chart is important to make a garment. Let’s have a look on flow chart.

Garments manufacturing is a long process which is start from garments design or sketch and get the end by delivery the garments from the finishing line on garments industry to buyer. There are two way to done the job one is manual methods and another one is computer method. computer method is more valuable and effective than the manual method. Computer method is easy and first way. The automatic machine also work through computer system.


Garments manufacturing flow chart

Side operation



Design or sketch

Manual or computer

Block pattern

Pattern design

Manual or computer

Sample making

Value fixing

Production pattern


Manual or computer

Marker making or lay planning

Fabric inspection

Fabric grading

Automatic iron press

Fusing roller press


Sewing or assembling

General sewing machine


Final pressing or finishing

Steam iron, steam press

Final inspection




Disperse to buyer or retailer


Garments manufacturing is a continues process where so many step required to take and pass the fabric into different type of process. Those process is important for garments look more gorgeous and maximum capability to fell comfort. Today most of the buyer need the maximum quality full cloth by spending minimum amount of money. So the calculation is so much important to make a garment and keep the business in the field of competition. To know more about textile technology please keep visiting this site frequently.



Definitions of Different types of fabric’s lay & packages.

Let’s have a discuss about Definitions of Different types of fabric’s lay & packages.

Tow type of lay according to primary method.


Different types of fabrics lay & package .

Different types of fabrics lay & package .

  • According to structure of fabric

            Straight lay

This type of lay are spread the spreading measurement by the full length of marker


           Stepped lay

These types of fabrics are spread without follow full length of marker. As a result these types of fabrics lay are spread of step by step. Because of being step by step using of that marker is different type of marker. Too many fabrics are west to make garment by using this technique and it’s a little critical to use, so day by day it’s loosing its popularity.


  • According to fabric spreading way

            Spreading lay from right to left

This technique is suitable for high length and open fabric. Every time of after spreading this technique are required to cut the fabric and start spreading from where it was cute. This is the reason every time these spreading machines start spreading from starting place.


            Spreading lay from left to right.

The working technique of spreading lay from left to right is as same as right from left. Different is this technique are required to turn over the fabric lay after complete the spreading.


            Zigzag lay

This methods are start the spreading from a starting point and go to the end point of spreading and its come back to the starting point without cut the fabric. Today this kind of techniques is so much popular spreading technique around the world but is methods can make the problem for asymmetric fabric.




  • According to the package of fabric.


             Open fabric roll

Open fabric roll is most popular fabric packaging method from all of fabric packaging methods. Without any fold this technique can methods can package more than 100 miters cloth which width can be 75 cm to 3 miters. To hand spreading and machine spreading is able to spread this roll.


             Tubular fabric roll

Most of the knitted fabric are packaging by folded fabric roll. Basically the tubular knit fabric roll is making by the width measurement of t-shirt or sports cloth. Spreading machine is need to spreading this fabric.


             Folded fabric roll

The middle point the fabrics are fold and packaging by a board which is perfect to retail business. These types of fabric package are not useable in garments because machine spreading is not possible to do. So this method is limited usage in present.


           Folder fabric scuttled

This technique is suitable for check and knitted fabric. To make this fabric takes a little more carefulness to make sure this fabric without any invalid fold but this package are make by the kink of the edge of fabric. Spreading of this fabric is so much hard so machine spreading is so much important for this method.


          Hanging fabric package.

Most valuable and expensive fabric is package by hanging fabric package like velvet fabric. This method makes sure the fabric is hanging in a frame to keep it without any crease. This packages fabric is spreading by labor. It’s not able to spread by machine



Discussions of the methods of fabric spreading

Discussions of the methods of fabric spreading’s
Discussions of the methods of fabric spreading

Discussions of the methods of fabric spreading


Fabric spreading is so much important part of a garments industry to cut the fabric and sewing properly and proper shape. After spread the fabric, it’s ready to cut and make them desire look. Without spreading fabric not possible cut so many pieces of cloth at a time which way is important in garments industry.


Basically most of the fabric are import in garments industry in a few different package and roll shape. Those fabric roll and package are unpacking by spreading on the cutting table like lay and make it ply one by one.


Two types of methods to makes lay by spreading fabrics.


  • Manual methods
    • Fully Hand spreading this method is working by two people who are working from two different side of spreading table by hand or spreading fabric on the table by crossing a rod in to the tube in the center of roll of fabric. This spreading process a little slow and not so much finished and quality full.
    • Hand spreading with hook.This method also a part of manual process called hand process with hook because this process is a little different from hand process with a little extra material called hook. Which is made from iron and this tool looks like an English alphabet “J”. This method has a little advantage than hand process.
    • Hand spreading with spreading track
      Spreading track is a special tool for hand process. Tracks carry the roll of fabric and spread on the spreading table by changing this position from front to the end of the spreading table. This method is working by two people who are working from two different side of spreading table by handling the track tools and spread the fabric on the table. The basic three condition of making a lay of fabric are not include in following manual methods.
  • Mechanical methods
    • Semi Automatic spreading
      Semi automatic machine is working almost similar to Hand process with spreading track process because this methods working technique and working prouder are same but this process are working by electric motor. A roll of fabric are installed in the machine like Hand process with spreading track and this roll are spreading on spreading table automatically. The spreading machine are running on the spreading table by from one side too another side by electrical and mechanical power.The advantage of semi automatic machine

      • The machine has the ability automatically count the ply of fabric.
      • After cut the fabric the machine has the ability to catch the edge of fabric.
      • This machine has a special tool called inspection light which is check ant kind of fault in fabric.
      • To salvage alignment this machine has a photoelectric guide.
      • The machine has the ability automatically cut the ply of fabric.
      • The opening up of fabric from roll is positive & there is a regulator to adjustment the spreading and opening up fabric speed.
      • The facility to maintain the tension of fabric is including in this machine.
      • To make the surface plain has a toll are called leveling blade.
      • A platform is installed with the head of the machine for operator to seat and operate the machine.
      • This machine can spread three miter of fabric and this machine can carry from 80 KGs to 675 KGs.
      • This machine can spread 100 miter fabrics per minute.
      • 25 CM lay can be makes by this machine.
    • Fully Automatic spreading
      Fully automatic machine is upgrade version of Semi Automatic. This machine has the all of quality which is included in Semi Automatic. Full automatic machine has some special feature are makes it more special. Fully automatic machine is maintained by robot and micro processors.The additional advantage of fully automatic machine are given blew.

      • This machine can be directed or fixes how many ply have to spread before start spreading.
      • This machine is working by robotic technique so if the fabric roll gone empty then this machine get another new roll automatically without any human power and start again spread where it was ended.
      • There is a sensor in front of head. This sensor marks the fault area of any fabric and automatically cut the fabric width and stat again spreading.
      • Every type of fabric is able to spread and its can makes every type of lay.
      • This is automatic spreading machine so its can work so many faster then others spreading methods.


List of different instruments used for drawing.

Drawing is a art which is related with so many industry to make the design or demonstration, presentation and many. Drawing open the opportunity to know some thing before some thing done how it will look like. drawing is perfect for make the future design. So many equipments are used in drawing lets have a look the list of different instruments used for drawing.

Drawing paper

Drawing paper is the essential and part and parcel object to make a drawing. A drawing paper could be thin or less thin, glossy or dark, smooth or grained. Smooth and glossy paper is suitable to drawing and most popular paper is this. Basically we get one kind of drawing paper most that’s called cartridge paper it’s a little dark and not so much smooth.




The main object of drawing is pencil. Drawing pencil is different form others writing pencils. Because drawing penciled should be more soft and easy to sketch on drawing paper. Generally drawing pencils are most used groups are 2B, 3B, 4B, 5B, 6B.



Drawing board

Drawing board is useful for artist which is called canvas. Drawing paper is pined with drawing board by clip or pin. Basically every artist like to draw any kind of photo or sketch in alone and different place. So they need a little privacy with some hard things which can help them to draw easily and peacefully. Assistance of drawing board size is 813 x 610 m.m.




Eraser is so much common and used equipment from a primary school to maximum education and many more profession but this eraser is known as different name called rubber. The raw-material of eraser is rubber so that’s why it’s called rubber. This eraser is help’s to erase unnecessary line or object in drawing and able to optimize design.



Board pin or clip

The drawing paper are setup on the drawing board are used those equipments are called board pin or clip. Board pin and clip are both used to done same work but the working way is a little different than other. Using pin to setup the drawing paper is makes a little hole on the painting or drawing paper so popular equipment of those things is clip.



Tee square

In a single word it’s called T. because its look likes the English alphabet T. generally this tee square is made by wood. Different angle and size shape are sketching are easy to sketch by tee square. Tee square should be bigger than the drawing table. User the tee square should be more attenuation using time or tee square corner.



Set square

Another name of set square is called triangle. Set Square is two different types one is 60◦-30◦ and another one is 45◦-45◦. The first one are called 60◦ and another are called 45◦.




Divider is equipment which one is used to take exact distance between two points. This is also used to divide a line in same distance. Two types of divider are used most one is plain divider and another one is spring divider.



Bow-pencil or compass

Bow-pencil is a tool which also called another name compass. Bow-pencil has two legs one is look like needle and another one is able to set a pencil and make a round shape. Bow pencil is used to make a circle.




Protector is equipment to design which is made from transparent material help us to the angle line under the protector. This protector is divided from 0◦-180◦.



Scale or box wood rule

Scale is used to draw an exact shape from a design to another design. Original measurement is important is to draw because so much big and so much small is not appropriate to make a better draw. To make sure the solution of this kind of problem, have to make the measurement on draw by measurement scale.



French curve

This is specific design equipment which is already make some design and help us to make different design by this small pieces of per-design equipment. This kind of design is not able to make by geometrical drawing. France carve can be different size, design or different material like wood, plastic, and many more.




This sand paper is mainly used to make sure the smoothness of graphite in pencil. Zero size sand paper is perfect to do this job so mostly used sand paper is zero size.



Duster or handkerchief

By pencil drawing or writing and erase those design by eraser and there are make so many dusts which are remove by duster. Make those dusts in a unit and bring that to the dustbins are by duster.




Another name of sharpeners is pencil cutter which one is known as like rubber in school going student. To cut the pencil and make it like useable and comfort to drawing are used sharpeners. Most of the time the graphite are broken down when is cutting by sharpeners so it’s important to pay attention when cutting the pencil.


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