Brief discussion of Group marker and its purpose

Group Marker Featured

What is marker?

Marker is sheet of paper where every parts of garments are plotted as per layer or cutting plan. Always the marker man makes marker by breakdown a ratio from PO quantity. As per company working policy; this ration also can be provided by cutting planer. Marker maker input the ratio into marker making software to make desire marker for production. This is the package of garments parts which let us to enhance the cutting production with limited period of time.

As per cutting procedure and product quality issue, the marker man makes different type of marker called group marker & selvage marker. This is very important to go for those special marker if it’s required. Let’s find it out what is group & selvage marker. 

Why do we need to make group marker?

Inspection team sometime gets one kind of dying faults called shedding on fabric so they asking for this special marker to avoided shading problem in ready garments. In a single line we can say that this marker is required when the selected cutting prepared fabric has uneven color formation in meter to meter.

What is group marker?

This is one kind of special marker makes as per quality issue suggested by quality inspection team. Most of the factory placed the inspection department on incoming section. When a fabric comes for production than its need to inspection to sustain product quality. And inspection team seat the fabric to store for storage and relax purpose. Finally cutting department received the fabric and go for bulk cutting.

Group maker’s pieces always stick together as much as possible.

How do they makes group maker?

Suppose we are making a marker for a garments where we have to take Back, Front, Sleeve and Moon. It’s required to place all the parts of garments as close as possible. Means all the parts should be placed nearby as a group. This is called group marker.

Group maker always increase the wastage of fabric and reduced the profit for manufacturer.

A good quality fabric can solve this problems.

What is selvage marker?

This is also a group marker but it’s has an extra requirement. All the parts of a garments should be placed length wise but stick together as a group like group marker. This type of marker required when inspection observed selvage shedding issue.

Selvage marker always placed the pieces length wise.

Advantage and disadvantage of group marker.

1 Reduce the color shading problems on complete garments Increased the fabric wastage & time.
2 Increased the garments quality as its standard Increased garments making cost and reduce the profit margin.
3 Easy to bundling after complete cutting process Required so much time to make group marker
4 Increased the possibility of Good quality garments. Automatic group marker is not good enough to go for cutting so its need to make it manually by placing garments pieces one by one.
5   Required extra man power to makes lay by different shade wise in cutting department.


It was a little discussion about group marker, if missing something you want to share? If yes; then write down on comment below and share with us. I’ll include it on the article as soon as I get it.

Marker making & Marker efficiency calculation

Marker making & Marker efficiency calculation

Marker is used to cut too many garments pieces at a time (depend on fabric lay) in cutting section. There are a few important matter need to follow carefully during making and during using the marker like marker efficiency, A minor mistake can be the reason to wastage of huge fabric, material and man-power. Most of the time all of those lead by cutting supervisor and coordinator.  Fabric layer operator also responsible to do such things and maintain the standard. Let’s go through the matter which is important to follow carefully. Please don’t skip any of those option to avoid misconceptions.

Marker making & it’s efficiency calculation- Indication

You better check each marking on above picture to understand clearly.

1. Marker Name

Every marker has a unique name which provide the style of the marker made from or made for. Doesn’t clear?  Name of the marker indicate the style, cutting number, production status and fabric width. Depend on the company policy the name of marker can be changes as per their rule, regulations and needs.

  • The cutting status of the particular style (Is it Size Set, Pilot or bulk cutting).    
  • Type of garments (Top, Bottom, Bra, panty, shorty, Tanga, Boxer, Etc)
  • Cutting number (which number of cutting required this marker to complete cut).
  • PO number (Product order Number)
  • Make marker base on fabric Actual cut-able Width (This is marker width)

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2. Marker Length

After complete the marker its takes a length. The length means the actual length of the fabric lay should be makes to cut the cutting. Cutting super visor starts making lays by layer man according the marker length.

3. Ratio

I hope you know the meaning of “ratio”. It’s indicate the variation on different size quantity in a marker. Suppose I’m going to make a marker from XS-XL where I need the make ratio according to my PO quantity.

Like this,



Marker making & it's efficiency calculation
Marker making & it’s efficiency calculation

4. Actual fabric width / Marker width

Part of garments need to place in marker where the actual fabric width should be measure by responsible person. They measure the fabric width and make Job Card and send to CAD department to make marker. Job card can be named layer Sheet, Cutting Plan, Cutting Sheet, Cutting Production Plan and many more name. The name always depends on the production environment of any factory.

5. Unplaced / Placed pieces

Total Pieces of current marker show here and let us know how many pieces are placed and unplaced.

6. Utilization or Marker Efficiency. 

This is so much serious matter, most of the company constantly monitor this matter. Because maximum utilization means maximum fabric usages. If you are making marker you should have follow this matter to reduce the wastage.

When we do costing consumption; it’s important to check which fabric width is better for costing. Then we try to make marker by various fabric width. Question is how find out which width is perfect?
Perfect width decided by comparing the utilization of different width.

Did I miss something to include in this marker? If yes then you replay on comment box or write me by this mail