Classification of enzyme according to source

Classification of enzyme types according to source : Enzyme is a essential material which is used in wet processing to make a fabric more comfortable and more stronger then ever. Basically enzyme comes from two source bother are from natural but one is vegetable enzyme and another one is from animal enzyme. The working character of the enzyme is different but almost same.


Every natural fiber are made from natural things, and its needs too many process for make the cloth smooth, shiny, soft and more stronger. Enzyme is one of them whose has the ability to make a fabric or cloth smooth, shiny, soft and stronger by wet processing. Basically the woven and knitting fabric made from gray cloth. every gray cloth should take a few step to make them usable in garments. buyer or customer always needs a finished fabric or garment. so that enzyme processing be the essential process which is describe.

  1. Vegetable Enzyme

  2. Animal Enzyme


Vegetable Enzyme Barley

Vegetable Enzyme Barley

Vegetable and Animal Enzyme are given blew

Vegetable source enzyme are called vegetable enzyme. vegetable enzyme are come from two way by molt extract and bacterial way. molt extract and bacterial source are given blew.

  • Molt Extract:

    • Diastafor
    • Diastes
    • Gabahit
    • Meltoforment
    • Maltosetase
  • Bacterial

    • Rapidase
    • Biolase
    • Arcy


Animal Enzyme

Animal Enzyme

I tried to mention all of enzyme best of my knowledge and my research over the web. if i missed to mention some point of that than please let me know by leave a comment on the comment box.

Classification Of Textile Fiber.

If you describe the definition of textile fiber in single sentence than you can say “Textile fiber is that essential textile Ra-Material to produce any kind of textile or garments products”. To make Woven fabric, Non-Woven fabric, knitting fabric, Felt, Lace Etc. Without use any kind of textile fiber, simply no one can even think to make any kind of textile or garments products.

The definition of another hand like,                                                                                                                                                                                           A unit of matters characterized by flexibility, fineness, strength, high ration to length to width is called fiber. Generally a fiber should be 500 to 1000 times longer than its width. It needed to enable fibers to be twisted together to from a yarn.

Requirement for Use-able fiber
Textile fiber should be minimum length 5 mm, soft, supple and able to spin. A textile fiber should have elasticity, strong, luster, smooth and many more requirement to be an ideal textile fiber what ever the fiber is natural or man made fiber (Synthetic).

There are too many textile products in the whole world. The product must made by some textile fiber between natural and man made (Synthetic). Each fiber’s have too many classifications. Let’s go to read more to know the classifications of all textile fiber.


Classification Of Textile Fibers



Classification Of Textile Fibers.

 -:Please Zoom the picture to see the classification clearly:-

Difference between “Natural fiber and man made fiber”.


Natural fiber and man made fiber: Textile is a technology depend on fiber. Fiber is a things which is used to make yearn and fabric. Fiber is come from two different source. Two source of fiber is Natural fiber and man made fiber also called Synthetic fiber. Natural fiber is comes from nature, that’s why its called natural and on the other hand when the human make a fiber to us those alternative by natural fiber and its makes from different type of chemical in a factory is synthetic fiber. synthetic fiber is made by human so that its called man made fiber. Click here to to the classification of fiber

This yarn is made form synthetic fiber (Man made fiber) given blew on this picture.


Keep reading and lets find out the common distinguish between Natural fiber and man made fiber:

Natural Fiber Man-made Fiber
#The natural fibers we get from nature are called natural fiber. #. The fiber made by synthetic or regenerating system called man-made fiber.
#. In the natural fiber molecules are not limited. #. In the man-made fiber molecules are limited as the producer want.
#The numbers of molecules are controlled by nature and the length can not be controlled by nurture. #. The numbers of molecules are controlled by man & the length can be control.
#. Natural fiber is comfortable and it’s good for health. #. Man-made fiber is not comfortable and it’s not good for health.
#. Its expensive fiber. #. It’s not so expensive fiber.
#. The strength of natural fiber is low. #. The Strength of man-made fiber is high.
#. The productions of natural fiber depend on nature climate and environment. #. The MM f can be produce with local materials and chemicals. It is not depend on nature.
#. It’s not much favorable for finishing. #. It’s favorable for finishing.






NB: This is not all of difference between natural and man made fiber, so help us to know all of it! 


Importance of Scissors in garments making


Scissor is a small tool and its used in so many industry for increase the quality of there product. Garments is one of those industry are used the scissor directly. Today I’m going to share the little description about Importance of Scissors in garments making. The first scissor is mostly used in tailoring shop and the other one is called by another name “Cutter”. Tailoring shop needs directly the scissor to cut the fabric to make a cloth for the customer by the cutting muster. but in the garments factory its different way to use the scissor also called cutter. The cutter used to cut the hairy fiber on garments product which is not in the designed in garments product. Scissor used in a tailoring shop to cut the fabric and the cutting section. Finishing and quality full cloth makes the reputation of the garment and this great role to make clean cloth used this cutter.


Importance of Scissors in garments making

Above scissor is mostly used in tailoring shop to cut the fabric after sewing by a tailor. Tailoring system makes a perfect shape for a customer according to there fancy. Only a tailor can makes the perfect dress for somebody, That is why the tailor keep making dress for the world.

Finishing section never able to finish there cloth and delivery to byres without cutting the hear-fiber from the land of cloth with scissors in textile industry. Though there are too many types of scissors are used in the world but mostly used scissors are given blew.


Importance of Scissors in garments making

Importance of Scissors in garments making


Generally scissor is made by iron or steel. Scissors are used in textile industry to cut Fabric, yearn, interlining and paper etc to make shape to get desire garments product. Scissors are important equipment in textile so there are many size of scissors are used in textile industry. Scissor also use in many purpose and many industry, from a barber shop to higher office around the world.

Percentage of impurities in different natural fiber


Percentage of impurities in different natural fiber:

Every natural textile fiber is made with a little bit impurities which are totally unusable. Before use that fiber its need to remove those impurities from the fiber with keeps the useable part that fiber. Various quantities impurities and various types impurities are included in textile natural fiber. Every natural fiber, impurities and quantities are given blew.

Cotton Fiber

Percentage of impurities in Cotton fiber.

Percentage of impurities in Cotton fiber.

Cotton is a uni-cellulose fiber. Cellulose is the use able and main part the cotton fiber. 94% cellulose and 6% impurities are made a natural cotton fiber. The name and the percentage impurities are given blew. It’s could be less or high.

Protein                                     1.3%

Pectin’s                                    1.2%

Oil, Fat, Wax                            0.6%

Mineral Matters                       1.3%

Ash                                          0.5%

Others                                      1.1%


Total Impurities                        06%

Cellulose                                  94%

Total:                                      100%


NB: Cellulose is the main useable element in cotton fiber & the quantity of impurities and cellulose could be less or high.



Jute Fiber

Percentage of impurities in Jute fiber.

Percentage of impurities in Jute fiber.

 Jute fiber is a multi-cellulose fiber and the main useable element is cellulose in this fiber. Generally 65% Cellulose and 35% impurities are including in a jute fiber, It could be less or high. Percentage and the name of impurities in jute are given blew.

Hemicelluloses                         22.2%

Lignin                                       10.8%

                                                    Color pigment, Regions and others       2.0%


Total Impurities                      35%

Cellulose                                 65%

Total:                                      100%


NB: Cellulose is the main useable element in Jute fiber & the quantity of impurities and cellulose could be less or high.

Wool Fiber

Percentage of impurities  in Wool fiber

Percentage of impurities in Wool fiber

Wool is a natural animal fiber. The authentic element of wool is keratin. 61% keratin and 39% impurities are made-up the natural animal wool fiber. The impurities are Wool Wax or grease, Suint, dirt, burrs, minaret meters, water and others. Let’s have a look at percentage. It’s could be less or high.

Wool Wax or grease 11%

Suint                                        8%

Dirt                                          8%

                                                                   Burrs minaret meters,

                                                                   Water and others                   12%


Total Impurities                     39%

Keratin                                    61%

Total:                                       100%

NB: Keratin is the main useable element in Wool fiber & the quantity of impurities and Keratin could be less or high.

Silk Fiber

Percentage of impurities in silk fiber

Percentage of impurities in silk fiber

 Silk is a natural animal fiber which one is produce from silk worm. Sericin is the main impurities in the silk fiber. Fibroin is the main element is the main part of the silk its called pure silk. Percentage of impurities are given blew. It’s could be less or high.

Sericin                                      22%

Wax                                           1.5%

                                                                 Mineral salt, color,

                                                                 Pigment and others                  0.5%


Total Impurities                         24%

Fibroin                                     76%

Total:                                       100%

NB: Fibroin is the main useable element in Silk fiber & the quantity of impurities and fibroin could be less or high.




Definition and list of Sewing machine


Definition and list of Sewing machine

Definition and list of Sewing machine


By which machine used to sewing two or more pieces of fabric called sewing machine. A sewing machine sewing not only fabric, but also others material like bags, lather, foot-wear, tent & many more, Etc. sewing machine also used to increase the fabrics fineness and good looking by some special effect. Different sewing machine are obey there different duty to makes a better garments as we want.


List the type of sewing machine are used in textile industry


  • Manual operated sewing machine

Manual operated sewing machine is working by human hand or legs power. The machine operator’s have to operate the machine by his own hand or legs power so that operator can’t work so firstly and smoothly. As a result the manual operated sewing machine’s production is less than electrically operated sewing machine. Today most of the manual sewing machine used in home or a trailer shop because it’s not so expensive and it’s easy to maintenance and use.



  • Electrically operated sewing machine:

This kind of sewing machine working by electrical power, so it’s work first and smoothly. Comparatively electrical operated machine work and production so good than others so it’s called industrial sewing machine. Industrial sewing machine could be much type but some common types of machine are here.


  • Lock stitch machine
  • Chain stitch machine
  • Over lock machine
  • Zigzag stitch machine
  • Flat lock machine
  • Blind stitch machine
  • Button holing machine
  • Button attaching machine
  • Bartech machine


Industrial machine could have one to four needles as required so that many industrial sewing machines presented company fill the importance. There are too many industrial sewing machine produce company around the world but most of this machine used in Bangladesh like Juki, Pegasus, Seruba, brother, Puf, Singer Etc. Every company make competition together there machines power, speed, efficiency, performances etc. the maximum used machine in Bangladesh is juki.


Some machine’s has programming so that it’s possible to make automatic sewing for any design or length what ever you want but this machine is expensive and so hard to maintenance. Though its makes better than others but usages in our country is so less.

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