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Efficiency Calculations for the Garment Industry

Precision in Apparel Efficiency Calculations for the Garment Industry

Precision in Apparel Efficiency Calculations for the Garment Industry

Efficiency calculations pivotal to the textile trade. From fabric requirements to cost analysis, embark on a journey to master the precision needed for success in the dynamic realm of fashion manufacturing.

01. Target = 60 ÷ (SMV x No. of worker x working hour x expected efficiency).

02. Target = 60÷SMV.

03. Team target =(60÷SMV) x Present operator x Organization efficiency.

04. Target per day = Working hour x 60 x No. of operator / Target SMV.

05. Capacity=Average of total obserb time x 1.66 + 30% Allowance / 60.

06. Factory capacity=No. of operator x working minutes + Present % x average factory efficiency.

07. Capacity per day = Present operator x working hour x organization efficiency x Attendance.

08. Weekly capacity = No. of operators x Absenteesm x Clock minutes per week x Average factory efficiency.

09. Marker efficiency = Area of patterns in the marker / Total area of the marker x 100.

10. Load = (Contract size x work content) contract 1+ (Contract size x work content)

Contract 2 + etc.

11. Load = Order quantity x Work content (SMV of garments).

12. Observe time = Total cycle time / No. of cycle.

13. Basic time = Avarage of observe time X Rating %.

14. Sam = Basic time x Allowance.

15. Rating = Observe time x Standard rating / Standard rating.

16. Cycle time = 60 / Team target.

17. Pitch time = Total SMV / Present operator.

18. Efficiency = Earn hour / Available hour x 100

19. Efficiency = SMV / Total time.

20. Earn hour = (Production x SMV) / 60.

21. Available hour = Working hour x Use machine(Total manpower)

22. Performance = (Earn hour / Available hour – Off standard time) x 100.

23. Improvement = 1-(Production / Capacity).

24. Balancing efficiency = 1-Balancing loss.

25. Loss pcs = (60/SMV)x Available hours x avg factory effi (61%) -Q.C Pass

26. Balancing loss = AML-TML/AMLx100.

27. Standard time = Net operation time x (1+ Ratio of loss time).

28. Daily output = Working hours (seconds) + Standard time.

29. Output per operator = Work hours (second) / Total time of operations.

30. Required No. of operators = Targeted daily output / Daily output per operator.

31. Target daily capacity = Daily work hours / Standard process time (SPT).

32. Daily capacity per worker = Daily capacity / No. of workers = Daily Work hours / Standard total processing.

33. Organization efficiency = Pitch time / Bottle neck process time (x100) = 100/140 x 100 = 71.4%

34. Upper limit = Pitch time / Target organization efficiency = 100 / 0.85 = 117.6 seconds.

35. Lower limit = 2 x Pitch time – Upper limit = 2 x 100 – 117.6 = 82.4 seconds.

36. Planned daily work flow = Daily work hours / Standard process time (SPT) x organization efficiency.

37. Accumulated avarage time = Daily work hours/AccumulatedxNo.of daysxstandard No.of workers in

The group/No. of pieces produced.

38. SMV = Basic time + Allowance time + bundle time.

39. DHU = No. of defect observe / No. of garments checked.

39. Booking fabric K.G. = Order quantity / 12 x Fabric consumption per doz.

40. Garments K.G. = Total receive fabric kg – (Save return kg + Jhute kg + Wastage fabric kg)

40. Input to sewing pcs. = Total in pcs – (Print Embroidery short & wastage + Cutting wastage pcs.)

39. Fabric consumption (CM) = Length x chest x 2 x GSM / 1000 / 10000 x 12 + Wastage%.

41. Fabric consumption (Inch) = Length x chest x 2 x GSM / 1000 / 1550 x 12 + Wastage%

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